I am going to tackle this topic.  First, I am not a doctor and will not tell you if you need any medication after the death of your spouse or loved one.

What I will tell you is a bit of my own journey.  One of the most helpful things a fellow widow told me after Mike died was to take my blood pressure.  At first, I discounted this advice, I never had elevated blood pressure previously and sure I was feeling foggy but then I thought why not,

she would know after all since she had been where I was.  I took my blood pressure and then took it again not believing the results.  It was 210/120 mm Hg, which is very elevated.  I immediately called my doctor and made an appointment.  My blood pressure was still elevated at that appointment a few days later.

During that appointment I got a complete physical, I discussed what happened and that I was in counseling, and we talked about all medication options available.  We decided on a course of action based on my current situation, my previous medical history and my personal preferences.  I will not disclose if I took/am taking medication since I do not want to influence anybody one way or the other.

I will encourage everyone to contact their doctor for a general checkup immediately after losing their loved one.  So many people develop their own health issues after such a traumatic event.

Also talk to your doctor and counselor about the positives and negatives of taking medications.  Talking to both professionals will give you different perspectives.  It is not a sign of weakness or strength if you chose or do not chose to take medication.  Rather, it is merely another tool in your grief toolbox to use as long as you choose.  Or a tool that is there ready for you to use as needed, even if you never choose to use that strategy.